
As you join the wave of organisations working to enhance the employee experience — placing people at the heart of all you do — 人力资源管理的转型 can turn the function into a true partner to the C-suite, 联合力量推动业务和人员议程. 美世’s innovative HR planning strategy uses a new Target Interaction Model (TIM), 哪个部门是围绕员工的需求建立职能的, replacing the traditional target operating model (TOM) that focuses on the organisation.  







of organisations plan to redesign their HR function for greater impact in 2022.


of executives believe that automated HR 流程 create a disconnect between HR and the business.


  • 你的人力资源职能与你的业务战略没有直接联系. 
  • HR is not perceived as delivering real value to candidates, 员工, leadership and your board
  • 你的组织努力改善人力资源接触点和实践.


在过去的几十年中, the predominant HR model was designed around the perspective and perceptions of the HR organisation, and its primary purpose was to address leaders’ laser focus on business efficiency and cost savings. 从这一理念中产生了人力资源业务合作伙伴的三位一体, 卓越中心和共享服务. But this prevalent three-pillar HR operating model not only failed to achieve the desired cost benefit; it also created a fractured candidate and employee experience.

In today’s work environment — and to be agile and ready to adapt to the future of work — organisations need to refocus their 人力资源管理的转型 on interactions — choosing a Target Interaction Model (TIM) approach before designing the target operating model (TOM). Our TIM approach uses a multidimensional and people-centric 人力资源管理的转型 philosophy and methodology that grants the HR function greater responsibility than ever before, placing it at the table with the C-suite to create the organisation’s people strategy. 


It’s time for HR to shape the future of work by providing relevant advice and services that directly align with and support your organisation’s business and people strategies. The right 人力资源管理的转型 drives the organisational 战略与人 priorities, 它贡献了真正的商业价值.

美世’s 人力资源管理的转型 approach uses the TIM model to found the future organisation around the employee experience and the business strategy, 将人力资源转化为真正以人为本的职能. TIM特别重视个人和数字接触点, 以员工满意度作为成功的关键衡量标准. 

通过强调员工体验, 基于最终用户的需求(包括高管层的需求), 人力资源面向未来的设计可以使整个组织受益, 引入更好的工作方式,提高员工敬业度. 


The TIM - Target interaction model looks at four different parts of the HRIS platform starting with HR customers ( Candidates, 外部劳动力, 员工, 人的领导者和最高管理者. Then it looks is uses the people operations platform to sort through employee experience and HR and beyond. 然后它通过人员操作提供个人支持, 谘询及行政, 领导,合作伙伴和人民顾问. This becomes the agile talent pool that leads to functional experience whether that is HR customer facing communities ( 人才 acquisition and talent development) or Enterprise serving communities ( project portfolio management, 薪酬及福利, 多样性, 公平与包容或人力资源分析)


Why a Target Interaction Model (TIM) Is the Key to Unlocking the Employee Experience 


你的组织可以改变自然, efficacy and perception of HR by rethinking the function and getting the design of four key dimensions right: strategy and content, 流程, 组织及制度.




In addition to using 美世’s innovative Target Interaction Model to speed up and increase the effectiveness of your 人力资源管理的转型, 人力资源加速器提供:
  • 人力资源愿景和战略路线图

    Create a clear future vision to describe and execute your HR strategy that can transform your HR content, 流程, 组织与技术
  • 人力资源流程(重新)设计,自动化和彻底简化

    Create an exceptional employee experience around moments that matter by carefully examining 员工’ expectations and interactions with HR and by streamlining and simplifying 流程


Using the Target Interaction Model to transform into a people-centric HR organisation is supported by trends in HR roles. 

  • HR strategic advisers provide insights to senior executives on how the workforce supports the business strategy.
  • 协作专家促进信息的流动, 劳动力人口之间的技能和能力, 帮助员工适应变化.
  • 员工体验设计师创建直观的接触点和用户旅程, 通常是针对特定的角色, 例如新员工或业务/功能组. 

  • Centre-of-excellence experts design the global talent philosophy in partnership with the C-suite.
  • 能力中心专家执行人力资源流程, 比如人才获取或流动性, 与地理位置或业务线保持一致.

  • HR business partners operate in a micro-environment to support the HR operational needs of a pivotal people leader.
  • HR shared service consultants handle exceptional cases and special requests that extend beyond digital and automated capabilities. 


美世的数字化咨询解决方案, 人力资源加速器, can help you achieve your 人力资源管理的转型 goals faster and more effectively, improving efficiency up to 25% while reducing transactional volume — which frees up the function to reinvent HR for the future of work.


  • 开始

    • 以一个观点和假设作为开头.
    • 对未来国家的愿景达成一致.
  • 发现

    • 通过洞察和基准为转换提供基础.
    • 清晰地表达变更管理旅程.
  • 形状

    • Create bold solutions with measurable outcomes toward the future-state vision.
  • 开车

    • 提供可持续价值 
    • 将人力资源转型融入组织结构.